by Morris Animal Inn | Jun 6, 2012 | Dog Wellness, News
Don’t tell anyone…but I think I’m starting to win over all the hearts of the people working at Morris Animal Inn! They always stop by to say hi to me and scratch my back. Naturally, I reward them with kisses! My exercises have continued. After...
by Morris Animal Inn | Jun 4, 2012 | Dog Wellness, News
Greetings! Ginger here! I’m about to embark on a month-long weight loss challenge at Morris Animal Inn. Everyone is so sweet at the Inn! I love showering all of my human helpers in kisses! They helped me settle comfortably in a large suite! I have my own Kuranda...
by Morris Animal Inn | Mar 26, 2012 | News, Pet Care Supplies
Spring has definitely sprung here in my world! My friends, the birds have come back and I spend much of my time watching them out the windows as they tweet, swoop around and build their nests. It makes me a little bit jealous that they can fly and I must use my four...
by Morris Animal Inn | Mar 14, 2012 | News, Pet Care Supplies
I have always considered my coat to be my shining glory. Its color is very unusual; not quite snowy white but creamy, in a rich vanilla ice cream sort of way. And, oh, is it ever full! Some would call me ten pounds of dog with twenty pounds of hair! Because of all...
by Morris Animal Inn | Feb 28, 2012 | News, Pet Care Supplies
WEEK 2 Another week has passed and not much seems to have changed for the people in my world; they keep getting up, feeding me, going out the door and then coming back home again. But this new breakfast they’re serving me is quite delectable. Each morning as they...