by Morris Animal Inn | Sep 5, 2017 | Dog Behavior, News
Sometimes, people are loners, and that’s ok. We don’t expect that we all have to always socialize and get along with everyone all the time. We shouldn’t expect it of our dogs, either. Even a dog can be a loner! You might have noticed that your dog doesn’t...
by Morris Animal Inn | Sep 30, 2013 | General Pet Parenting, News
Although the cliché image of a cat and dog together usually involves a large amount of chasing, barking and hissing, it is possible for these different pets to get along. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) 21st Century Dog Owners Study, there are a...
by Morris Animal Inn | Dec 13, 2012 | News, Pet Care Supplies
It’s time for a follow up with Joanne Morris to see how Lexi is doing with her new Sentry Calming Collar. Let’s see how it is going so far… We still don’t know what has caused Lexi to have separation anxiety. Maybe it was being lost and abandoned at a shelter or it...
by Morris Animal Inn | Aug 16, 2012 | Dog Daycare, News
We know that you’d love to spend every moment of the day with your pet. Unfortunately, the ever-present reality of your job seems to interfere with that wonderful dream. Where your pet will stay when you are not home is a problem faced by most pet owners at some...