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Seasonal Allergies

Spring is in the Air!

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the air! Which means so is pollen, ragweed, and all sorts of other allergens. Just like humans, our pets are susceptible to seasonal allergies which can cause them a great deal of discomfort when untreated. How can you tell if your pet has seasonal allergies? For the most part, seasonal allergies manifest…

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licking paws

Why is My Dog Constantly Licking Her Paws?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Why is My Dog Constantly Licking Her Paws?

Is your dog constantly licking their paws? There are a variety of reasons a dog keeps licking their paws, like injury; out of habit or boredom or anxiety (kind of like humans biting their nails); allergies; parasites; itchy dry skin; or hormonal imbalances. Because there are so many reasons for licking paws, it’s important to take…

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What Does It Mean When Your Dog Licks You?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on What Does It Mean When Your Dog Licks You?

It’s usually pretty clear that dogs lick because they like people. But what does it mean when your dog licks you a lot? If your dog constantly licks you or other people, there may be other reasons besides affection, like wanting food or attention. Dogs may also lick because they think you taste good! Your taste…

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Facts About Dogs: You Might Find These Interesting

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Facts About Dogs: You Might Find These Interesting

Do you think you know everything about dogs? Think again. Check out these facts. 1. Eyelids – Dogs have three eyelids, an upper lid, a lower lid and the third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” which helps keep the eye moist and protected. 2. Eyes – It’s a myth that dogs only see…

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