Winter Exercise with your Pet

Winter Exercise with your Pet

Even our pets get the winter blues. As we move into March and are feeling ready for spring, the continuing winter weather has many of us, and our pets, holing up at home. Dogs need exercise now just as much as during the warmer months, when running outside is a...
Cold Weather Dog Myths Debunked

Cold Weather Dog Myths Debunked

The cold months of fall are upon us, a time of year when we start to think about hunkering down for the winter. You want to prepare your pet just as much as you want to stock up on hot chocolate and logs for the fire, but there are a lot of myths out there about what...
Winterize Your Pet

Winterize Your Pet

As we welcome a new year with the changing of the calendar, New Jersey residents once again prepare for the worst of the winter season. In addition to watching our heating bill rise, shovels and rock salt are selling off the shelves and the once busy streets are now...