Morris Animal Inn Blog

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Listening to Your Dog

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Listening to Your Dog

Listening is a lost art. We have so much that vies for our attention, including television, social media, jobs, kids, and friends, that it’s hard to know who to listen to and how to listen. By evening, when it comes to listening to your dog, we may be too tired to do it well. We…

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Do Dogs Like Music?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Do Dogs Like Music?

What’s your reaction to hearing your favorite song on the radio? It has been proven that music can significantly impact our moods, from instant happiness when hearing a song we enjoy to ease and comfort while listening to a calm, classical tune. It turns out our pets may have equally discerning ears while listening to…

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what do dogs think about humans

How Does Your Pet Say “I Love You”?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on How Does Your Pet Say “I Love You”?

 On our blog “If They Could Talk,” part of our goal is to help interpret what your dogs and cats are trying to tell you. When it comes to affection, however, your pet is already speaking to you in a language anyone can easily understand. By learning to read your pet’s signals, you can always…

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Why Does YOUR Dog Bark? Train Away Barking by Recognizing its Cause

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Why Does YOUR Dog Bark? Train Away Barking by Recognizing its Cause

All dogs can bark. Even the “barkless” dog, the Basenji, lets out a yodel-like howl that could put some barking dogs to shame. Regardless of when and where it happens, most pet owners are keen to put a stop to repetitive barking. In this case, training is more about controlling and stopping a behavior than…

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