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One Person’s Trash is Another Dog’s Treasure

Jul 5, 2018 | Dog Behavior

At some point, if you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably been frustrated when your dog gets into the trash can. Not only is the ensuing mess irritating, but there’s worry whether or not your dog ate something he or she shouldn’t eat. It could be the remains of the chocolate cupcake that’s in there.

Most of the time, the reason for your dog eating out of the trash is pretty simple: there is some kind of food or at least a lingering odor in there that smells good and they want to eat it. Other reasons that may be more difficult to figure out are if your dog is seeking attention, is lonely, is anxious, has an upset stomach and wants to put some food in it to feel better, or to chew on a particular texture.

You can take some precautions to keep your dog from getting in the trash:

And next time, make sure you eat the whole chocolate cupcake.

Are you a pet parent in the Morristown, Warren or Montville, NJ area? To find out more about Morris Animal Inn’s award-winning boardinggroomingtraining, and daycare services, give us a call.

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