My Cat Hides

My Cat Hides

When a cat hides, they can have a reputation for being shy or anti-social. While that may be true for some of them, it just depends. The way cats are treated while very young has an impact. Most kittens spend approximately the first eight weeks after they are born...
Why Rewards Work Better Than Punishment

Why Rewards Work Better Than Punishment

Why rewards work better than punishment? Think about your day at work. Maybe it wasn’t the best day; you messed up on a project, and your bossed yelled at you. Or maybe it was a great day; you did well, even excelled, and your boss was enthusiastic and commended you...
Select the Perfect Match for Your Pup

Select the Perfect Match for Your Pup

A regular gathering with canine buddies can help keep socialization skills polished, mentally and physically tire your dog and prevent your furniture from being destroyed. However, it is important to remember not all dogs enjoy playing with other dogs. By following a...