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licking paws

Why is My Dog Constantly Licking Her Paws?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Why is My Dog Constantly Licking Her Paws?

Is your dog constantly licking their paws? There are a variety of reasons a dog keeps licking their paws, like injury; out of habit or boredom or anxiety (kind of like humans biting their nails); allergies; parasites; itchy dry skin; or hormonal imbalances. Because there are so many reasons for licking paws, it’s important to take…

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Is Your Pet Right-Pawed or Left-Pawed?

By Morris Animal Inn / / Comments Off on Is Your Pet Right-Pawed or Left-Pawed?

Just like humans and their hands, many pets have a certain paw they prefer over the other. According to a recent study, 50% of cats are right pawed,  40% favor their left paw and 10% of them are ambidextrous, favoring neither!  Dogs, on the other hand, tend to be more evenly split with around 50%…

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