by Morris Animal Inn | Dec 20, 2017 | General Pet Parenting, News
You’ve been anticipating the big day. You’ve spent time preparing for it. Getting the right bed, toys, and maybe some soft blankets. Letting your current household residents know it’s happening. No, it’s not a new baby: It’s a second cat or dog. And how to bring a...
by Morris Animal Inn | Sep 5, 2017 | Dog Behavior, News
Sometimes, people are loners, and that’s ok. We don’t expect that we all have to always socialize and get along with everyone all the time. We shouldn’t expect it of our dogs, either. Even a dog can be a loner! You might have noticed that your dog doesn’t...
by Morris Animal Inn | Jun 26, 2017 | Dog Training, News
There are different (and often cute) names for dog training camp: puppy kindergarten, obedience school, and our own Manners Daycare and Canine Training Camp. Regardless of what it’s called, training your dog has benefits—for both the dog and the owner. Training should...
by Morris Animal Inn | May 27, 2016 | Dog Daycare, News
Does your pooch prefer the company of humans to playing with other dogs all day? Then you know how difficult it can be to find a daycare for dogs that don’t get along with their fellow canines. According to Robin Bennett, a certified professional dog trainer,...
by Morris Animal Inn | Aug 21, 2015 | Dog Fun, News
Yesterday, August 20, 2015, Vance, a U.S. Army Specialist and his bomb-sniffing dog, reunited after 3 long years! They served together in Afghanistan and Vance missed his army partner very much. Vance was not sure he would see his pal again but thankfully the U.S. War...