Prepare Your Dog for July 4th
Grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. Potato chips. Cold drinks. Red, white and blue décor. You’ve been busy getting ready for a long 4th of July weekend, complete with fireworks, but in all the food and event planning, you may have forgotten one thing: your dog.
While we humans love seeing the bright colors explode in the sky and trickle down, our pets are not always so happy about them. There may be the occasional dog who tries to chase after them, but many dogs are fearful of fireworks.
As much as we treat our dogs like family, they are not human after all, and don’t have the understanding that we do about the temporary nature of fireworks. Some people think it’s just like a thunderstorm to dogs, that’s not actually the case. There are weather changes prior to a storm that can clue a dog in that something different is happening. With fireworks, it’s very sudden and sporadic.
If you haven’t acclimated your dog to loud noises when he or she was a puppy, not all is lost. There are a few things you can try in order to keep your dog comfortable during fireworks:
- Play loud noises in the days and weeks leading up to the fireworks.
- Act normal with them when they are afraid to show them they don’t have to stay afraid.
- Keep the dog inside with the TV on to minimize outside noise.
- Play with your dog during the fireworks.
- Let them go to an area of your home where they already feel safe and secure.
- Bring them to Morris Animal Inn for lodging.
Whichever you choose, have a safe and happy fourth of July!