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Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Did you know that March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month? Our pets tend to get into things they shouldn’t. Here are some ways to prevent them from ingesting something poisonous and what actions you should take if they do.Common Household Toxins

Out of Sight, Out of Mouths

Keep medications, cleaning products, and other toxic items out of your pet’s reach to prevent them from ingesting it. This could mean putting products in cabinets, boxes, or on high shelves. Remember: just because the cap is on, doesn’t mean it’s safe from your pet. They can easily chew through a container to get to pills, liquids, or other toxins.

It’s also important to properly dispose of any toxic substances that you are no longer using. If this means throwing them in the garbage, be sure to take the necessary steps to keep your pet out of the trash!

Dangerous Décor

Be mindful of the items you bring into your house. Even though a plant or flower look pretty, they could be toxic for your pet if eaten. This also includes the soil your plants are in! When you’re shopping for plants for your home, be sure to double check whether or not they are toxic for your pet.

Do you use essential oils in your home? While these may be calming and add a pleasant scent, certain oils are poisonous for pets. Even oil diffusers can pose a danger to your pet. Be sure to do your research when looking into essential oils for your home.

Backyard Hazards

The products you use outside your home can be just as dangerous as the products you use inside your home. Be mindful of when and where you use herbicides and pesticides in your yard. If you use rat poison on your property, be sure to keep it out of reach from your pet as consumption can be deadly.

Accidents do happen, and there may come a time that you know or suspect your pet has come into contact with something poisonous. Here’s what you do:

  • Call the vet! It’s important to get your dog to a medical professional as quickly as possible.
  • Your vet may ask you to call poison control. If so, have your credit card on hand as a fee is applied when you call.
  • Have your dog’s medical information (vaccine records, allergies, medications, etc.) in case they are needed. This information should always be readily available in case of any emergency.

Take a look around your home to see if there’s anything you can do to keep toxic substances away from your pet!

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