We are at the end of the 28-Day Eukanuba Challenge. It was a positive experience for both Tori and I.  We are noticing a slimmer, more active version of Tori.  My daughter’s friends were over the other day and hadn’t seen Tori in a while and they both asked, “Did she get her hair cut or lose weight?”   We know she didn’t have a haircut, so to our delight others are noticing a difference as well!  

Regardless of changing Eukanuba formulas, Tori’s enthusiasm for food has not altered or waned one iota as breakfast and dinner continues to be one of her favorite activities. The best thing about Eukanuba food is the quality and Tori’s willingness to eat it. It makes you feel good when you can provide the best for your pet.We will definitely continue to feed Tori Eukanuba and test the different formulas as she moves through life and her nutritional needs change. 
The best part of this challenge was that it made me stop and think about my dog’s nutritional needs.  I slowed down to notice some of her eating habits and it challenged me to think about her overall health and fitness moving forward so she that can the healthiest, happiest pet possible.
P.S.  Tori finally got the hang of the treat toy.  She is now running all over the house swinging it around to get her kibble as a reward for all her hard play.  Mission accomplished!