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Belle’s Final Days of Canine Fit Camp

Mar 8, 2013 | Dog Boarding, News

What a wonderful journey it has been at Morris Animal Inn! It was a commitment I made to be healthy and fit and I did it. Now I need to continue this journey even after my last day of fitness camp.
I have to admit that I was a little sad to leave the program because I had one-on-one counseling, support, new friends, great workouts, met my Valentine named Leo…hmmm… but at the same time, I think I am ready to continue this on my own. Being at Morris Animal Inn gave me a jumpstart to good health. I recommend that if you need to get healthy and fit that you give their doggie fit camp a try. Definitely worth it. If you see me running outside and rolling over, I am doing this purposely so everyone can see my new physique from my front end to my back end. 🙂

In case this is the first time you are checking in, my name is Belle, I am a fiesty two-year-old Bloodhound who came to Morris Animal Inn from Eleventh Hour Rescue three times a week for a month to get healthy and fit. I was at 124.8lbs but have lost more than 10lbs.

A huge thank you to all who have supported and followed me on my journey. I appreciated it so much. If I get a chance, I will stop in to let you know how I am doing. For now, wish me luck…Yeah!



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