Diabetes Awareness in Pets

shutterstock_71611402November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and we’d like to share fundamental information about diabetes in dogs and cats. The condition is very similar in pets and humans, and is believed to affect anywhere between 1 in 100 to 1 in 500 canines and felines.

Over recent years, experts have seen a rise in pet diabetes, so we’ve compiled a list of symptoms and risk factors to help you stay informed!

Common Diabetes Symptoms:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive urination—your pet produces more urine per day and may have “accidents” in the house (dogs) or outside the litter box (cats)
  • Excessive hunger while losing weight
  • Lethargy (less active/sleeps more)
  • Cloudy eyes (dogs)
  • Doesn’t groom (cats)
  • Thinning, dry, and dull hair

Risk Factors in Dogs:

  • Age (middle-aged to older dogs are more affected)
  • Unspayed females
  • Genetics
  • Obesity
  • Breed—these breeds have a higher risk of developing diabetes: Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Pomeranians, Terriers, Toy Poodles

Risk Factors in Cats:

  • Age (older cats are more susceptible)
  • Neutered males
  • Genetics
  • Other disorders or diseases, such as chronic pancreatitis or hyperthyroidism, which can cause insulin reduction or resistance
  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity

If you notice any of the warning signs in your dog or cat, please consult your veterinarian. Thanks to modern medicine, a diabetic pet can have the same life expectancy as a non-diabetic pet!Staying informed, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment help diabetic pets maintain a happy and healthy life!


Source: Pet Diabetes Month